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As a skilled practitioner of the well-known Krav Maga Self Defense system, Guruji Franklin Joseph has over 20 years of training experience and has taught hundreds of men, women, and children in regular workshops as well as one-on-one lessons. Behind the alias “Dr. Safety,” he uses his special psychological and tactical self-defense skills to empower and heal individuals. Additionally, he has written several articles for his four web pages that highlight different facets of self-defense tactics and offer practical guidance for integrating psychological and tactical self-defense solutions for both private and corporate women and men.
Analyzing Kamikaze Tactics for Self-Defense Practitioners Part-1
Re-edited and compiled by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Learning from the Extreme During World War II, Japanese pilots used a horrific yet strategic military tactic known as Kamikaze suicide attacks. Self Defense / Mixed Martial Arts practitioners can learn a lot from history. By comprehending the psychological, tactical, and operational aspects of these attacks, individuals and Self-Defense / Mixed Martial Arts organizations can strengthen their defensive strategies, grow from their mistakes, and make better decisions under pressure. The term "Kamikaze" strikes up a terrifying picture of a Japanese pilot deliberately crashing an explosives-laden aircraft into an Allied ship in the final moments of World War II. Because these suicide attacks were driven by extreme desperation and particular social circumstances, they ...
/ Mr. Franklin Joseph / Acceptance, Accomplish a goal, Accountability, Adaptability, Adaptation, Adapting Techniques, advanced radar systems, Advantageous positions, Adversary's mental state, Agility in combat, Aircraft, airplanes, Allegiance to the Emperor, Allied forces, American aircraft carriers, American invasion of Japan, anti-war society, Articles, Assailants, barbarism, Battle, Battlefield situations, boy pilots, Brainwashed, Bravery, Bushido code, Celebrated heroes, Chiran Peace Museum, club, Cognitive faculties, Combat efficiency, Commercial settings, Commitment, Communication, Concepts, confession, Confidence, Conflict, conflict understanding, Confuse, Cooperation, Coordination, Corporal Punishment, corps commander, Creative methods, Crime extends to five generations, Crisis, Cultural appreciation, Cultural beliefs, Cultural influence, Cultural propaganda, Cultural reverence, decisions under pressure, Decisive action, Dedication, Defense scenarios, Defensive Countermeasures, defensive strategies, Desperation, Devotion, diaries, Direct strikes, Disobeyed orders, Divine Wind, drafted college students, Dread, Duty, Edo period, Effective self-defense methods, effectiveness in self-defense, Element of Surprise, Emotional conditioning, Emperor, Enemy Ships, Enemy soldiers, Enemy warships, Ensign Kaneko, Equipment, Erosion of Conventional Forces, ethical implications, Ethical questions, Evolving threats, Existential dangers, explosives-laden aircraft, Extreme behaviors, Extreme tactics, face death, Failure, Family accountability, fear and commitment, Fear of dying, fellow soldiers, Final resort, Flexibility, forced soldiers, Franklin Joseph, freezing concrete floor, Future dangers, German Nazi soldiers, gliders, Group defense, Guilt, Guruji Franklin Joseph, Gyokusai (honorable death), Hayashi Tadao, Heroes, Heroism, High honor, High-stress scenarios, High-value targets, Higher education, Hisao Horiyama, Historical Context, Honor, Hopelessness, hunger, Idealization, Identifying Vulnerabilities, Identity transition, Ideologically motivated, Incompetence, Industrial capabilities, Industrial might, Innovative thinking, insurance investigator, Irokawa, Japan, Japanese forces, Japanese military, Japanese military life, Japanese military tradition, Japanese Pilots, Japanese society, Japanese soldiers, Japanese soul, Japanese system, Judgment, Kamikaze, Kamikaze Attacks, Kamikaze lineage, Kamikaze phenomenon, Kamikaze Pilots, Kamikaze Special Attack Units, Kamikaze Strategy, Kamikaze tactic, Kamikaze Tactics, Kamikaze technique, Kazuo Odachi, Killing for a cause, Kindness vs. mistreatment, Lack of resources, Last correspondence, Last-ditch strategy, Latest Blog, Learning from the Extreme, Lessons in Resilience, Lethal weapons, Leyte Gulf, Limited resources, Living hell, Losing war, Low Altitudes, Loyalty, manned weapons systems, Maximizing Resources, Memorials, Mental resilience, Mentalities, militarism, Militaristic past, Military capabilities, military colleges, Military commanders, Military Pressure, Military regulations, Mindset, Mission, mistakes, Mixed Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts training, Mobility, Modifying tactics, moral implications, Morale, Morally permissible, Motivations, Museums, Nakao, Nation, National identity, Nationalism, Naval Defenses, navy vice admiral Ōnishi Takijirō, New recruits, Noma Hiroshi, October 1944, officer's room, Okinawa, operation, operational aspects, Operational strategies, Opponents, Opposed the war, Opposing ships, opposition troops, penalties, Persistence, Personal rewards, Personal safety, Photographs, physical agony, Physical confrontation, Physical punishment, Pilots, pointless mission, police officer, Post-war identity, Post-war Japan, Potential attackers, Practitioners, Preparedness, Preservation, Proactive mindset, Professional soldiers, Propaganda, psychological agony, psychological aspects, Psychological conditioning, Psychological Profile, Psychological situation, Psychological strategies, Psychological techniques, Psychological toughness, Psychological training, Psychological Warfare, Public perception, Public response, Punishment, Radar pickets, Rapid ascents, Reaction Time, Recruited men, Reflection, Rejected souvenirs, Remorse, Resilience, Resilient mindset, Resource Management, responsibility, Risk assessment, ruthless behavior, Sacrifice, Sacrificial Nature, Sasaki, Self & Families, Self Defence practitioners, Self defense practitioners, self-defence, Self-defense, self-defense scenarios, Self-defense training, Self-preservation, Self-sacrificing actions, Selfless sacrifice, Shame, Silence, Skill set, Social expectations, Social narrative, Social pressure, Soldiers, Soldiers' morale, special program, Specialist, Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, Speed, Spot weaknesses, Staff, Stigma, strategic concepts, Strategic Positioning, Strategies, student soldiers, Student troops, submarine torpedoes, Suffering, Suicide attacks, Suicide mission, Suicide Missions, Surprise, Surprise Strikes, Survival, Surviving Kamikaze pilots, Survivors, Tactical adaptation, Tactical Analysis, tactical aspects, tactical concepts, Tactics, Team Dynamics, Technological disparity, Terrorize, Threats, Time, tokkōtai (Special Attack Force), Training, Training scenarios, Tsuchiura Naval Air Base, Tsutsui, U.S. Navy, Unanticipated attack angles, Understanding Sacrifice, Unforeseen challenges, United States, Unpredictable reactions, Unprepared, US Navy, Valor, veterans, Violence, War sacrifice, Wartime actions, Wartime culture, Wartime past, Wealthy backgrounds, Will, World War II, Young pilots, young recruits, Zone of Emptiness
Analyzing Kamikaze Tactics for Self-Defense Practitioners Part-2
Re-edited and compiled by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Moral Implications and Ethical Considerations of Warfare and Self-Defense The ethical consequences of combat tactics, particularly those involving extreme methods like the Kamikaze suicide strikes used during WWII, offer light on complex moral dilemmas facing both individuals and governments. These approaches raise concerns about the justification for actions committed in the service of a supposed larger good. In the instance of the Kamikaze, individuals willingly gave their lives to cause damage on enemy forces, believing they were helping to save their homeland. Such activities need a close assessment of the moral standards regulating warfare and self-defense. Self Defense or Mixed Martial Arts practitioners frequently struggle with the concept of fairness, which aims ...
/ Mr. Franklin Joseph / 1944, 1945, Absence of choice, Accuracy, Acts of war, Adaptability, Adaptation, Aggressive activities, Aggressive behavior, Agility exercises, AI-Powered Target Recognition, Air defense systems, Aircraft, alert system, Alertness, Allied forces, Allied navy, Allies forces, Ambush techniques, American soldiers, Analytical thinking, Anger, Anti-drone guns, Anxiety, Applications, armed assailant, Articles, Assailant, Assailant objectives, Assailants, Assault, Assignment, Attacker, attacker psychology, attacker's mindset, Attacker's plan, Autonomy, avoidance, Awareness, Battle of Leyte Gulf, battle plan, Beatings, Bombs, Bridges, Bushido, bypassing defenses, Calmness, Cameras, Capacity to improvise, Case studies, Chairs, Changing battle dynamics, Changing conditions, Chaos, Choice, Civilian contexts, Close-range attacks, Clusters, Coerced Participation, collaboration, Collateral Damage, Combat Tactics, combined air and ground techniques, Commercially available, Commit, Commitment, community information, Community involvement, Companies, Comparable devices, Comparative Analysis, Compatriots, Compelled obedience, Complex ethical approach, Conduct, Confidence, conflict dynamics, Conflicts, Conformity, Confrontational situations, Corporal Punishment, Corps members, Countermeasures, Course of action, Cover, Crises, Critical skills, Critical thinking, crotch, Crying, Cultural Context, Cultural environment, Cultural factors, Cultural Forces, Cultural propaganda, Current situation, Current warfare, Curses, Damage, Danger, de-escalation, Deadly decision-making, Death, Death expectations, Decision-making, Decisive action, Decisive counter-attack, Decisive responses, Decoys, Dedication, Defense mechanisms, Defense techniques, Defensive actions, Defensive measures, Defensive techniques, Despair, desperate incidents, Desperation, destructive actions, Determination, Developing systems, Die, Direct attacks, Disable assailant, Disarming, Disrupt, Distance, Distractions, Diverse Applications, Diverse Missions, Domestically built, Drills, Drone systems, Drones, Duality, Duty, Dynamic situations, Effective planning, Effective tactics, Effective techniques, Effectiveness of attacks, Electronic warfare, Electronics, Element of Surprise, Emotional fears, emotional hardship, emotional turmoil, Emotions, Empathetic reactions, Emperor, Enemy, Enemy fire, Enemy Forces, Enemy Ships, Environment, environmental advantages, Environmental circumstances, Ethical considerations, Ethical issues, Ethical landscapes, Ethical rationale, Ethical reflections, Evasion, Evasive maneuvers, Everyday lives, Explosive-laden platforms, Extensive physical training, Extreme military tactics, Extreme tactics, eyes, Fairness, familial honor, Families, Farewell parties, Fatal consequences, Fatally shot, Fear, Fiancées, fighter escorts, Final night of life, First-Person View (FPV) Drones, flaws in adversary's position, Flexibility, Flight decks, Focus, Franklin Joseph, Fundamental rights, Glass, Goal, GPS, Graduate, ground forces, Group Situations, Guerrilla tactics, Guruji Franklin Joseph, Gyroscope Navigation, Heroes, Heroic sacrifices, Hesitation, High-intensity conditioning, High-pressure scenarios, high-stress environment, Historical analysis, Historical case, Historical case studies, Historical Context, Homeland, Honor, Hostile fire, Human anatomy, Human behavior, Human control, Human Pilot Risk, Identify dangers, Illusion of choice, Imperial Japan, Improvisation, improvised weaponry, incapacitate attacker, Incapacitated, Individual bravery, Individuals, Indoctrination, Information manipulation, Insecurity, Insights, Intelligent choices, Intense training, Intimidation, Japan, Japanese forces, Japanese military, Japanese military unit, Justifiable, Justification, Kamikaze, kamikaze actions, Kamikaze Application, Kamikaze assaults, Kamikaze Attacks, kamikaze intrusions, Kamikaze methodology, Kamikaze missions, Kamikaze phenomenon, Kamikaze Pilots, Kamikaze Strategy, Kamikaze strikes, Kamikaze Tactics, Kamikaze techniques, kamikaze threat, Kasuga Takeo, Kinetic defenses, knees, Krav Maga Self Defense, Kuroda Kenjirō, Lancet drone, Large scale attacks, larger assailant, Larger Good, Larger war, Latest Blog, law, Learning and adapting, Legal self-defense, Life-threatening scenario, life-threatening situations, Light bulbs, Limitations, Limited resources, Live threats, Loitering Weapons, Loss of life, Lovers' features, Low cost, Major damage, Martial arts, Maximizing impact, Maximum pain, Media attention, Mental fitness strategies, Mental preparedness, Mental responses, Methods, Metropolitan areas, military branches, Military contexts, Military Culture, Military tactics, Military tunes, Mindfulness, Mitate Navy, Mixed Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts practitioners, Modern adaptations, Modern methods, Modern practitioners, Modern society, Modern warfare, Modern-day tactics, Modify strategies, Moral complexity, Moral consequences, Moral Dilemmas, moral implications, Moral Standards, Morale, morality, Motivations, national pride, naval vessels, Night before departure, Non-combatant, Non-state players, Nongovernmental organizations, Okinawa, Open communication, operational aspects, Opportunity for escape, Opposition, optimize impact, overcoming disadvantages, Overcoming Technological Disparity, Painful farewell, Parents' faces, Participation, Patriotism, Peer Pressure, Penetrating, Personal safety, physical abilities, Physical fitness, Physical performance, Physical readiness, Pilot, Pilots, pilots training, Potential risks, Power, Practicing in pairs, Practitioner, Practitioners, Precision Guidance, Preparedness, Preparing for the unknown, Preparing for the unpredictable, Preservation, Pressure, Proactive approach, Proactive training, Proliferation, Propaganda, Protecting life, psychological aspects, Psychological impact, Psychological insights, psychological manipulation, Psychological operations, Psychological Warfare, Public Decline, Public perception, Purchasing, Quick decisions, radar technology, Rapid reflexes, Real-world conflicts, Realistic unpredictability, Rebel Soldier, Recent conflicts, Reconnaissance, Recruitment process, reluctance, Resilience, Resolute action, Respond quickly, Response to assault, responsibilities, Revenge, Rigorous preparation, Rising Sun headband, Risky situations, Ritual Suicide, Rival defenses, Run away, Running horse lantern, Russia, Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Russian armor, Sacrifice, sacrifices, Sacrificing life, Safer communities, Sake (rice alcohol), Samurai Tradition, Scale of Conflict, Scenario-based training, Self defense practitioners, Self Defense skills, self-defence, Self-defense, Self-Defense Application, Self-defense clashes, Self-defense methodologies, Self-defense outcomes, self-defense scenarios, self-defense situation, Self-defense techniques, Self-defense training, Self-preservation, Sense of Choice, Seppuku, Serious Consequences, severe situations, Shame, Signal jamming, Significant damage, Simulated surprise attacks, Simultaneous attacks, Situational awareness, Situational overview, Skills, Small drones, Social pressure, Societal expectations, Soldier, Soldier's fighting spirit, Southern battlefield, Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, Speed, Storytelling, Strategic considerations, Strategic elements, Strategic ideas, Strategic issues, Strategic lessons, Strategic thinking, Strategies, Strategy, Strength training, Strikes, striking key assets, stronger assailant, Successful defense, Sudden action, Suffering, Suicidal Nature, suicide assaults, Suicide attacks, Suicide Drones, Suicide strikes, superior technology, Supervisor, Supply routes, Surprise, Surprise assault, Surprise attacks, Surroundings, Survival, Surviving Kamikaze pilots, Survivor Accounts, Swarm Tactics, Swift decision-making, Swords, Tablecloths, tactical aspects, Tactical coordination, Tactical elements, Tactical ideas, Tactical lessons, Tactics, target attacks, Target selection, Targeted damage, Targeting, Teamwork, Technological mismatch, Terrorism, Testimonies, Threat detection, Threat landscape, Tokkōtai corps, Tokkōtai pilots, Training, Training methodologies, Training methods, Training schedules, Ukrainian artillery, Unanticipated situations, Unarmed, Uncertainty, Unconventional warfare, understanding conflict, Understanding strategies, Unexpected encounters, Unexpected threats, unforeseen conflicts, Unforeseen events, Unforeseen situations, Unintended targets, Unmanned Systems, Unpredictability, Unpredictable scenarios, Urgency, US Marine Corps, US Navy, Variety of settings, Vehicles, Verbal de-escalation, Violence, Voluntary Participation, Volunteer, Volunteering, Volunteers, Vulnerability Exploitation, Vulnerable areas, vulnerable places, Vulnerable targets, Wandering Weapons, Warfare, Wartime obligation, Wartime scenarios, Waseda University, Weapon, Weapons, Willingness to Participate, World War II, WWII, WWII Ancestors, Young men, Young pilots, Young student officers, Youth
Article ~ Controlled Aggression, Intimidation & Humanity
Controlled Aggression This is a real incident that happened to me. Frankly, it's two men pissing contest that could have escalated to pure violence. But I noticed many things that I feel is useful to understand this behaviour which most of us do. Violence is never a good answer for any problem, but we all live with various levels of violence within our emotions, instincts and actions. So talking & exposing about this demon is important. I had just recovered from my stomach infection and had returned from the ICU. My body was still fragile prone to new infections. We were in the middle of Covid-19 pandemic, so I was counting my lucky stars, I have not yet got infected ...

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About Specialist Franklin Joseph

Social Entrepreneur, C.E.O. & Specialist
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis & Combat Tactical Science
Guruji Franklin Joseph is one of the few people in the self-defense field who is completely knowledgeable in both fighting science and Krav Maga Self Defense techniques. He is an internationally recognized specialist in Israeli military Krav Maga self-defense, having mastered the art for over two decades. While studying and instructing Krav Maga Self Defense under the direction of renowned national and international Krav Maga instructors, Guruji Franklin Joseph honed his skills. In his never-ending pursuit of going above and beyond the technical requirements of Krav Maga Self Defense, he has devoted several hours to studying and evaluating different crime scenarios, victim case studies, participant feedback from his workshops, regular academy members, etc.
An Incomparable Specialist
What really sets Guruji Franklin Joseph apart is his unwavering dedication to expanding his knowledge of self-defense techniques and acquiring new psychological and tactical approaches. He is aware that true mastery necessitates an unquenchable curiosity and an openness to research, particularly in the case of enhancing the effectiveness of Krav Maga techniques. Because of his warrior attitude, he can provide priceless advice and knowledge to anyone wishing to improve their self-defense skills. Not only will you learn new talents from Guruji Franklin Joseph, but you'll embark on a self-determination adventure that will equip you with the mental, physical, and tactical courage to overcome any obstacle in real life.
- Committed Mentor : A Tactical Training Method for Krav Maga Self Defense that is Authentic, Exciting, and Innovative for Men, Women, and Children.
- Exciting Teacher : Focuses the psychological aspects of empowerment more.
- Devoted Ambassador : Encouraging self-defense as a means of advancing wellness education, particularly for young people, women, and girls enrolled in educational programs.
A Memoir of Two Decades of Achievement
The wider community now knows Guruji Franklin Joseph for his many unique psychological skill sets and his unwavering dedication to passing along his superb Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense techniques to others. Guruji Franklin Joseph's dedication to his job is demonstrated by the breadth of his training and his eccentric style of instruction, which combines psychological and practical learning. Throughout the course of two decades, he has trained a wide range of individuals, emphasizing the universal applicability of Krav Maga Self Defense & extra Psychological Skills as an effective self-defense approach. Participants have included men and women from the corporate world, law enforcement officers, members of the armed forces, intelligence agents, security experts, and students in high school or college.
His most noteworthy victories include :
- Internationally qualified Instructor (Israel).
- Specialist in Israeli Military Krav Maga Self Defence.
- Specialist in Safety Skills & Psychological Empowerment for Women & Female Youth.
- Experience in the field of self defense spanning over two decades.
- Social Entrepreneur, Founder & C.E.O. – Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science, Dharwad.
- Worked as Assistance Instructor for N.S.G (Black Cat) Anti-Terrorist Commandos in Manesar, Haryana.
- Served as Senior Instructor for I.P.S., I.A.S. & I.R.S. Probationary Officers in SVPNPA, Hyderabad.
- Recognized “Best Service” Award by London, United Kingdom’s Luxury Travel Magazine.
- Franklin Joseph was suggested by the Overseas Security Advisory Council, a Women Safety Report from the U.S. Department of State in 2014, as a “Instructor who focuses on both Psychological & Tactical Training.”
- For over two decades, organized and managed corporate workshops on safety and self-defense for both men and women throughout PAN India.
- Guest Speaker Lecturer at a number of academic institutions, including Christ & Jain Universities, I.I.T., N.I.T., S.R.M., Dayananda Sagar, and S.I.E.S.
- A memorial plaque given out by the ThinkBig 2016 Women Entrepreneurs Convention Exhibition and the Government of Karnataka.
- Conducted workshops for government organizations such as Defence Research Development Organization (D.R.D.O.), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Indian Railways, Commissioner of Police Bengaluru etc.
- Among the corporate clientele are Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Infosys, Wipro, NASSCOM, Harman, APC, Accenture, Goldman Sacs, DELL, CISCO, Syngene, Procter & Gamble, L&T etc.
- Discussions at interviews aired in All India Radio, 93.5 Fm etc.
- Countless Write-ups in Newspapers like Hindustan Times, Times of India, Bangalore Mirror, DNA, Deccan Herald, Deccan Chronicals, The New Indian Express etc.
- Main Articles in Periodicals such as Tehelka, LiveMint Bengaluru Pages etc.
Franklin Joseph Other Websites
- School & College Workshop - - 3 Days Girl Psychological Empowerment on Critical Life Safety Skills, Combat Science & Military Krav Maga Self Defense Wellness Education
- Corporate Workshop - Power To Women - Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense & Psychological Safety Skills, India
- Bengaluru Classes - Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense & Psychological Safety Skills Training
- Dharwad / Hubballi Classes - Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense & Psychological Safety Skills Training
- Specialist Franklin Joseph Blog - Founder & CEO, Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis & Combat Tactical Science, Dharwad